Saturday, December 17, 2011

Depreciation Calculator

Depreciation is an important element in the management of a company's assets. With proper and accurate calculation of depreciation, a company can benefit from the tax advantage. Depreciation is normally computed based on the initial purchase price or initial cosat, number of years of where depreciation is calculated, salvage value at the end of the depreciation period, and the asset's life span.
The Format of a depreciation function is
DDB(Cost,Salvage,Life, Period)
Cost=Initial cost
Salvage=Salvage value
Life=Asset's life span
Period=Depreciation period

Let see the interface and the codes below:
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim Int_Cost, Sal_Value, Asset_Life, Deperiod, Depre_Amt As Double
Int_Cost = Val(Txt_Cost.Text)
Sal_Value = Val(Txt_Salvage.Text)
Asset_Life = Val(Txt_Life.Text)
Deperiod = Val(Txt_Period.Text)
Depre_Amt = DDB(Int_Cost, Sal_Value, Asset_Life, Deperiod)

Lbl_Dpre.Caption = Format(Depre_Amt, "$###,###,000.00")

End Sub

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