Thursday, December 15, 2011

Description: Simple animation with picure control only & bunch of image files too)
Minimum requirements: VB6
Download: source code
VB projects - Animation, using picture control
Project: EXE
Controls: cmdDirection (Command Button, Caption = "go back"), tmr (Timer, Interval = 20), pic (PictureBox, AutoSize = -1 'True, BorderStyle = 0 'None)
Additional references: none
Option Explicit

Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer

Private Sub cmdDirection_Click() If cmdDirection.Caption = "go back" Then cmdDirection.Caption = "go" j = -60 Else cmdDirection.Caption = "go back" j = 60 End If End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load() Set pic.Picture = LoadPicture("untitled1.bmp") i = 1 j = 60 End Sub
Private Sub tmr_Timer() If i < 8 Then i = i + 1 Else i = 1 If (pic.Left < Me.Width And j > 0) Or (pic.Left > 0 And j < 0) Then pic.Left = pic.Left + j Set pic.Picture = LoadPicture("untitled" & i & ".bmp") End If End Sub

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