Thursday, December 22, 2011

Graphical VB Polling System

Survey and polling tools are often used in marketing or politics to assess rating for certain services or products. Polling tools can take many forms, some just use a simple dichotomous scale of Yes and No, or Likert Scale that consists of three or more choices. You can create Polling tool in Visual Basic easily by using the option buttons. In my program, I give the users five choices, Excellent, Very Good, Good, Satisfactory and Bad.The results are presented in frequency and percentage respectively.
In the example on the right, I have included graphical display of the percentages of the five scores using the Line method. The general format to draw the rectangular bar in a picture box is
Picture1.Line (x1, y1)-(x2, y2), color, BF
where (x1,y1) is the coordinates of the upper left corner of the bar and
(x2,y2) is the coordinates of the lower right corner of the bar.
To show the bar length according to the percentage, I used certain value to multiply the decimal value of each score and put it under x2.
Finally, I used the Picture1.Cls method to clear the picture box in order to refresh the drawing.
The Code
Dim total, Excel_total, VG_total, G_total, Sat_total, Bad_total As Integer
Dim Excel_percent, VG_percent, G_percent, Sat_percent, Bad_percent As Single
Dim done As Boolean

Private Sub cmd_Vote_Click()

If Option_Excel.Value = True Then
Excel_total = Excel_total + 1
Lbl_ExcelTotal = Excel_total
ElseIf Option_VG.Value = True Then
VG_total = VG_total + 1
Lbl_VGTotal = VG_total
ElseIf Option_G.Value = True Then
G_total = G_total + 1
Lbl_GTotal = G_total
ElseIf Option_Sat.Value = True Then
Sat_total = Sat_total + 1
Lbl_SatTotal = Sat_total
ElseIf Option_Bad.Value = True Then
Bad_total = Bad_total + 1
Lbl_BadTotal = Bad_total
End If
total = Excel_total + VG_total + G_total + Sat_total + Bad_total

Lbl_Total = total

Excel_percent = Excel_total / total
VG_percent = VG_total / total
G_percent = G_total / total
Sat_percent = Sat_total / total
Bad_percent = Bad_total / total
Lbl_Excel.Caption = Format(Excel_percent, "Percent")
Lbl_VG.Caption = Format(VG_percent, "Percent")
Lbl_G.Caption = Format(G_percent, "Percent")
Lbl_Sat.Caption = Format(Sat_percent, "Percent")
Lbl_Bad.Caption = Format(Bad_percent, "Percent")
Picture1.Line (100, 750)-(3800 * Excel_percent, 950), vbRed, BF
Picture1.Line (100, 1450)-(3800 * VG_percent, 1650), vbMagenta, BF
Picture1.Line (100, 2150)-(3800 * G_percent, 2350), vbGreen, BF
Picture1.Line (100, 2850)-(3800 * Sat_percent, 3050), vbBlue, BF
Picture1.Line (100, 3550)-(3800 * Bad_percent, 3750), vbYellow, BF

End Sub

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